Do you live with IBS? You are not alone; 9%-23% of the world population also experiences the symptoms associated with IBS. Craniosacral therapy is one holistic therapy that can relieve and reduce the symptoms of IBS.

In this article, we are going to explore how craniosacral therapy can be beneficial for IBS, its effectiveness, the number of recommended sessions, and cost.

4 Types of IBS

Before we explore how craniosacral therapy can help with IBS, we should get an overview of IBS.

There are 4 types of IBS mostly differ by their symptoms.

There are four types of IBS:

1. IBS with constipation (IBS-C): Constipation is the most frequent symptom

2. IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D): Diarrhea is the most frequent symptom

3. IBS mixed (IBS-M): Both constipation and diarrhea are experienced alternately

4. IBS unspecified (IBS-U): Symptoms follow an irregular pattern

How Emotions Impact the GI Tract

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) function, associated with many symptoms, mainly abdominal discomfort.

Emotions can affect the function of GI, and stress plays a huge role. But the good news is, if you work on managing your stress while working to improve your microbiome health, you can create a healthy environment for your bacteria to recover.

Craniosacral therapy is an alternative treatment that can benefit people with chronic pain including symptoms of IBS.

How Can Craniosacral Therapy Benefit IBS?

Craniosacral therapy (CTS) can lead to relaxation. Tension and blockages in the sacrum, spinal cord or cranium are addressed in this therapy. Balancing the regular transit of fluids is critical. CTS effectively releases tension getting into the system. This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in IBS symptoms.

How Effective is Craniosacral Therapy for IBS?

The effectiveness of craniosacral therapy has been examined through various studies. One such case study, done by the Barral Institute with three patients suffering from IBS and poor bowel formation, showed improvement.

Treatment was given twice a week for a month; then, once a week for a total of 6-15 sessions.

The case study concluded, "That all participants were able to report regular one time per day bowel movements with the good formation of bowels and improved muscle tone to control bowels, as well as decreased pain both in the spine, pelvic/abdomen, and pelvic floor".

Now, let's take a look at how many sessions are often recommended for IBS....

How Many Sessions are Recommended?

According to the case study mentioned above, one to two CTS sessions a week, for a total of 6-15 sessions, proved to be the most effective for the participants in the study. However, the number of sessions that you may find helpful for IBS may be more or less.

When trying to decipher how many sessions may be needed for you personally and your health, have open communication with your craniosacral therapy practitioner.

What Will Craniosacral Therapy for IBS Cost?

The average price per session in the United States is $70-$170. If you end up electing to do these sessions, you may expect to pay $420 on the low-end and $1,020 on the high-end, for six sessions.

For more information, read: How Much Does Craniosacral Therapy Cost?

6 Other Treatment Options for IBS

Craniosacral therapy is only one of the many therapies that can be beneficial for IBS. These therapies can be used separately or combined together. If you do choose to combine any of these therapies for a treatment plan for IBS, it is important to openly communicate with all practitioners so that they may gain insight on how to best treat you and your symptoms.


Saha L. (2014). Irritable bowel syndrome: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and evidence-based medicine. World journal of gastroenterology, 20(22), 6759-6773. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i22.6759. Retrieved April 27, 2019, from

Tanye Hage Maisel, PT. (2018). Upledger Institute International. Retrieved April 27, 2019, from