My story begins before I was born, at a time when my mom made the brave decision to leave my biological father due to his alcoholism. By the time I turned two, my life had already taken a turn; my mom was with a new partner, and they welcomed my sister into the world. However, this new relationship was also troubled by alcoholism and conflict. During one of their many arguments, in an attempt to move me out of harm's way, I accidentally got a black eye - leading to my brief removal from home by child protective services. This period marked the first of many challenges.

The cycle of instability persisted when we moved in with another man, where the mistreatment escalated beyond emotional and physical harm. Between the ages of 5 and 8, I experienced a level of abuse that no child should ever face. Leaving this situation only led to a custody dispute over my sister, highlighting the system's failure to provide adequate protection. 

Later, seeking normalcy, my mom married a childhood friend and this brought temporary calm to our lives. Yet, as the years passed, this relationship also began to deteriorate, resulting in more conflict and blame aimed at me. In coping with her challenges, my mom's anger often found its way to me. Growing up, affection and praise were scarce and criticism was abundant. This made me constantly feel inadequate, a sentiment that turned into a familiar presence in my life.

These formative experiences set the stage for my adult relationships, attracting partners who mirrored the emotional unavailability and abuse I had grown to expect. 

Amid a seemingly endless cycle of hardship, an unexpected moment of clarity came when a Tony Robbins infomercial spoke to me, suggesting that even with a background steeped in deep trauma, change was possible. This message of hope was amplified by a transformative Meisner Acting class, solidifying my belief that a different, more positive life path was within reach if I really tried. This journey into acting opened my eyes to the power of digging deep into our emotions, and led me to further personal development through Personal Success Institute Seminars, which focused on overcoming emotional barriers.

Venturing into various therapeutic approaches, I first encountered Reiki, followed by Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), among others. Each method created a strong foundation for self-discovery. Although these approaches offered valuable insights, they weren't sufficient to fully meet my needs at that time; yet, they served as the initial steps toward discovering the holistic modality that ultimately transformed my life.

It wasn't until I became a single mom and returned to my mother's home that I was confronted with unresolved family dynamics, actively reminding me of the traumas that still needed to be addressed. This period of my life forced me to face the patterns I had unwittingly replicated. My daughter’s birth was both a blessing and a catalyst for a profound personal reckoning. Faced with the responsibility of breaking the cycle for her sake, I realized the steps I had previously taken were insufficient for the depth of healing I required.

This led to a period of self-reflection and spiritual reconnection, particularly with the Creator. During this time, filled with questions and a quest for true healing, I discovered Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping. 

EFT Tapping became a pivotal part of my healing journey. This is a holistic healing method that blends traditional Chinese acupressure with modern psychology, involving tapping on specific points on the body to address and release emotional distress. This practice was transformative for me, offering a hands-on approach to soothing my deep-seated traumas. Through EFT Tapping, I found a way to actively engage in my healing, moving from a place of feeling stuck and powerless to one of empowerment and emotional freedom. It was not just a tool for recovery but a step towards reclaiming my inner strength and peace.

Clinical EFT Tapping was the first modality that showed me the potential for lasting change, providing a sense of empowerment and liberation I had long been looking for. Following EFT, I explored Inner Family Systems (IFS), a therapeutic approach that focuses on healing by recognizing and understanding the various subpersonalities or "parts" within us. This method helped me navigate my internal landscape with greater compassion and clarity. Brainspotting came next, a powerful technique designed to access and process trauma through the visual field and brain-body connection. Together, these therapies formed a comprehensive toolkit for my self-care regimen.

These practices alongside establishing clear boundaries, resting, and embracing spirituality, helped me find peace, confidence, and a sense of safety I had never known. They not only supported my own transformation but also became key components of the healing services I provide, helping my clients achieve lasting change in their lives.

After navigating complex PTSD and exploring numerous healing modalities on my healing journey, I reached a place where the pain from my past no longer controls my life. Informed by my acquired knowledge and expertise gained through certification courses, I developed the Pain into Power Process: A 10-week program rooted in trauma-informed, somatic healing practices. Combining personalized sessions with customized self-care strategies, this program aims to equip clients with the tools they need for ongoing healing. 

My journey from overcoming these monumental personal challenges to finding stability and peace has not only reshaped my life but also stands as a testament to what others can achieve; motivating me to guide and support individuals on their path from pain to power.