Do you suffer from leaky gut syndrome? If you do, it's likely that you know that how leaky gut manifests in each person can be unique and different. In the same way, the supplements that are right for someone else may not work the same for you. Therefore, it's advisable to work with a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine which supplements you should take given your condition and symptoms.

Because there are many natural supplements to reduce and treat the symptoms of leaky gut, we provide the information below so that understanding your options may give you a starting point for further conversation with your healthcare provider. Let's get started...

Collagen Peptides

Collagen increases the production of gastric juices in your gut and helps restore the lining of your digestive tract. Although you can get it naturally in foods like bone broth, you may also take a collagen supplement.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root comes in capsules, powder, or tea. This supplement reduces inflammation throughout the body, including your stomach and intestinal lining. It may also help reduce leaky gut symptoms like constipation or diarrhea.

Licorice root

Licorice root may be taken in capsules or chewable tablets. Most health professionals recommend deglycyrrhizinated licorice, also known as DGL Licorice Root. Like other leaky gut supplements, licorice root has an anti-inflammatory effect on your intestines, which may reduce the cause and symptoms of leaky gut.


L-Glutamine is the amino acid used by your body in the making of your intestinal lining, so taking this supplement will help your body repair your leaky gut and regrow the mucosal lining of your gut.

While L-Glutamine may be found in meat like chicken, beef, or fish, it's also found in fresh foods like beets, cabbage, carrots, spinach, and avocado for those following a vegetarian diet. If you decide to supplement, you may purchase L-Glutamine powder from places like Target, Walmart, or online at Amazon.


Quercetin is a flavonoid. It may be found naturally in grapes, red onions, red raspberries, and broccoli. People use Quercetin for leaky gut because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce intestinal inflammation and thus reduce the symptoms of leaky gut..

Natural sources for leaky gut supplements


Found naturally in...


Bone broth, eggs, salmon, leafy greens, chlorella


Chicken, beef, fish, cabbage, beets, carrots, spinach


Red raspberries, red onion, grapes, nectarine, broccoli


Some yogurts


Taking a whole food multivitamin is a good way to assure you're getting access to all the nutrients and minerals you need. Since malabsorption is common with leaky gut, you want to make sure you're getting sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals so your body has a chance to absorb them.


Taking a probiotic helps to restore a natural, healthy balance to the bacterial composition of your gut. Because there are both good microbes and bad microbes, you want to establish living conditions which allow the good microbes to flourish.


Digestive enzymes are a great way to promote digestion. Some supplements increase the production of gastric juices in the stomach and help break down proteins, helping to digest food more easily, and thus reducing the risk of nutrient deficiency and lowering the amount of undigested food that moves into your intestines.

The idea here is that undigested food may contribute to leaky gut syndrome, causing inflammation and resulting in toxins leaking back into your bloodstream, which cause an autoimmune response. So anything you can do to help your body digest its food more easily will help ease the strain on your intestines.

Some enzymes include:

  • HCL with Pepsin: increases gastric juices and breaks down proteins

  • Protease: breaks down proteins (including gluten)

  • Amylase: breaks down starches

  • Lipase: breaks down fats

  • Lactase: breaks down lactose (dairy protein)

Supplements to treat yeast and candida

If you have issues with leaky gut syndrome that include yeast or candida, you may be interested in talking to your doctor about a prescription medication or these supplements.

  • Probiotics

  • Coconut oil

  • Garlic

  • Essential oils like Clove oil, Oregano oil, and Myrrh oil

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract

Herbs for candida

Herbal supplements can also help to treat yeast in the body. In addition to adding these to your cooking, you may also talk to your doctor about taking them in supplement form:

  • Black Walnut

  • Calendula

  • Cinnamon

  • Cloves

  • Licorice

  • Myrrh

  • Oregano

If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, talk to your doctor about taking some of these supplements as part of a regimen for cleansing your body and healing yourself of leaky gut.